CFA Mock Exam是CFA協會官方出版,作為最終沖刺階段CFA模考,和正式CFA考試試題結構、形式、CFA考試范圍都相似的試題.我一秒鐘也沒有懷疑過CFA mock價值,如果有可能,推薦把歷年的CFA Mock exam多做幾套.
每年CFA考試之前,CFA官方協會都會推出全真模擬樣題mock exam供所有考試候選人(Candidates)練手備考之用.由于其考試形式、題目設置都與當期考試極為接近,尤其是考題內容有很高的覆蓋率與重合率,甚至有許多模擬題中的題目在真實考試中會反復出現,因此很多考生都將這次模擬考試機會作為最后的沖刺、提升機會.真的會帶來意想不到的效果!
CFA institute官網關于mock解釋
The mock exam is designed to mimic, as closely as possible, the exam day experience. It is timed and structured with approximately the same topic area weights and level of difficulty as the actual exam.
CFA協會的原文告訴我們,CFA報名費用包括ebook、practice tests、mock exam和study planner.
Your registration fee includes:
Access to the curriculum eBook for your exam level
Supplemental study tools: Topic-based practice tests, mock exams, and an interactive study planner.